Sunday, October 9, 2016

Ursula Lim: The Perfect Motherhood

A mother must be able to have everything under control all the time. She needs to have the capability of cleaning the house, and having well-behaved and respectful children. She must eat healthy foods only and look good in a bikini without any veins or stretch marks visible. She must be healthy, energetic, happy, and available to her children anytime of the day and night. Ursula Lim believes that mothers need to give quality time to their children, and get them to eat quality food mostly, if not at all times. 

Ursula Lim

A mother is ultimately not allowed to make any mistake that can be seen by the children or others to be less than perfect. She cannot give clues that life is getting her down, being capable of maintaining a mask of calmness and perfection in the public all the time. Mothers are never allowed to smack their children or raise their voice, and should only be speaking to them with love, respect, and affection. A mother is allowed to take some time out, but only if she will be able to do this without a need to intrude on quality time with her children and husband. 

Ursula Lim believes that included in the role of a mother is to only have a time out when the children and husband when their needs are met and when they are happy. A mother should know everything, predicting any mishaps even before occurring and anticipating her children’s temperament in order to leave a venue before their action and behavior lead to being annoying and disruptive. All these are the qualities of perfect mother? Do you fit this image? It may seem to be not realistic, but it is commonly what mothers expect of themselves to be able to be deemed as a good mother. 

Ursula Lim knows the answer to these things and it is self-worth. People live in a society that tells people to live their live right and it is the right way of being a mother, the right way of being a wife, the right way of being a citizen, and the right way of behaving, dressing, and looking. Look around and all things that you would see someone and something telling you about the right way of being you. Because of these things, people start having depression, stress, and anxiety. Since people are taught to believe that if you are not able to get the right things in life, you would become worthless.

For Ursula Lim, motherhood is a time for growth, learning, and stepping out of your role as a young minded girl into a women and mother. When you have children, you are changing physically, ethically, mentally, morally, and emotionally. All parts of your well-being will change and that is the reason that your first years of motherhood will be time-consuming and take several conscious mental adjustments. This is the reason why depression, stress, and anxiety are very common in being a mother. 

Ursula Lim

With her experiences, Ursula Lim has learned to adjust to this new woman that she became. She shows respect to her husband and she became a role model of the house, and so she makes sure not to lay bad examples for her children that can affect their relationships in the future. A mother’s love cannot be matched, and with this, she understands that being a mother is not only about sacrifices and patience, but also being there to practice what she preaches. Among the undeniable characteristics of Ursula Lim are her ability to soothe, flexibility, nurturing, and love. Be the perfect mother and give love to your children.